Message from the Mayor

On behalf of the City of Gluckstadt, its administration, staff and Board of Aldermen, I want to welcome you to Mississippi’s newest city. Gluckstadt was formally incorporated and received its charter on June 6, 2021. This was the culmination of many years of effort by Gluckstadt citizens who saw incorporation as a means to protect their identity and preserve a legacy which started in the early 1900s.
In driving through Gluckstadt, you will note incredible growth in many facets. New businesses start daily. New buildings pop up each week. There is a fervor and excitement fitting of a new city. Gluckstadt boasts great schools, numerous churches and residential neighborhoods that are inviting and safe.
We hope that your visit to Gluckstadt is an enjoyable one and that you feel the excitement which has permeated Mississippi’s newest city.
Should you have any questions or need information, please contact City Hall at 769-567-2306.
Walter C. Morrison, IV
Mayor, City of Gluckstadt